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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
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Health-e-Nation 2013 Leadership Summit

As health reforms gain pace and organisations are asked to do more with less, CHIK’s Health-e-Nation Leadership summit is ideally timed to influence future develop ment and shape next stages with a focus on:

  • Business Intelligence, Data Quality & Performance Measurement: As more clinical & operational data comes online, how do we leverage it? What is technology doing to make it simpler?
  • Leadership, Change & Governance in Health: benefit from targeted workshops for Board Members, CEOs, CIOs and direct reports.
  • Integrating Acute & Primary / Aged Care: What are organisations doing to cut through and deliver outcomes in challenging environments?
  • Combining PCEHR & Telehealth: Teaming up to access connectivity shared care and deliver results.
  • Putting Medications on Priority Track: When is the right time to bring medications online?




RACV Club, Melbourne, Australia.


Name Luli Adeyemo
Phone 0415 209334
Link -

Created 11th February 2013

Reads 910