Housing for people with disability: Let’s take action
Griffith University is proud to partner with National Shelter and Queenslanders with Disability Network on its eighth NDIS Symposium, which brings together people with disability, their families, researchers and professionals to ask some challenging questions about the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Housing is fundamental for people to enjoy life, take part, learn, love and live with dignity. For far too many people with disability, housing is part of their struggle to be included and to participate in community and family life.
Mon 8 Aug 2016, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, South BrisbaneRooms: P7-P11, Plaza Level, Grey Street Entrance
$185 Full Registration / $50 Concession
Name ndissymposia@griffith.edu.auPhone 07 3382 1458 (please leave a message)Link http://events.griffith.edu.au/events/ndis-symposia-series-what-does-an-inclusive-housing-system-look-like-/event-summary-ae01d34333c140ef8b80e0da0e509a4e.aspx
Created 4th July 2016
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