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Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2012

Upcoming Conference - invitation for proposals


Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 12-14 September 2012

Article 40 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities stipulates that The States Parties shall meet regularly in a

Conference of States Parties in order to consider any matter with regard to the implementation of the present Convention.

Since 2008, four sessions of the Conference of States Parties have been held at United Nations Headquarters, New York.


The fifth session will be held in September 2012. The theme is Making the CRPD count for Women and Children.

The following are the sub-themes of the Conference:

  • Technology and Accessibility,
  • Children with Disabilities and
  • Women with Disabilities.

More information on the fifth session can be found at:


The Commission invites interested organisations to submit proposals that meet the criteria of the Commission's international participation program

  • Networking/capacity/capability building events that will enable Disability Peak Organisations (DPOs) and Disability Advocacy

Organisations (DAOs) to promote the work of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and/or meet Australia's obligations under the UNCRPD.

  • Networking/capacity/capability building events that will enable DPOs and DAOs to promote the priorities under the National Disability Strategy (NDS) Key Policy Area 2: Rights protection, justice and legislation.

Proposals should

  • Disclose any other sources of funding available to them  
  • Indicate need and justification for funding including any particular needs related to location and impact of disability on travel costs  
  • Address each of the criteria identified in the Commission's published template for nominations.

Information on how to apply for funding is available at

Proposals are requested by COB Friday 17th August, 2012.


Wed 12 Sep 2012 - Fri 14 Sep 2012 (All day)


Link -

Created 1st August 2012

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