A workshop on disability, design & university spacesfeaturing Jos Boys & discussion with Ron McCallum, Rosemary Kayess, Catherine Bridge & Wayne Hawkins All welcome, registration at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/designing-universities-for-everyone-by-doing-disability-differently-tickets-18816910887Program:10.00-11.15am: Jos Boys on doing disability differently & the challenges for university spacesJos’s talk examines how we might think about more critically and creatively about relationships between disability, architecture and material space. Within the built environment professions, disability remains mainly a problem of guidance and compliance - placing it outside ‘normal’ design practices and at the end of the design process. By engaging with disability studies and developing innovative events between disabled arts and architects, Jos and her collaborators has been co-creating ways of exposing the ableist assumptions and attitudes that underpin the design of built space; and exploring new ways to make it more inclusive, by ‘doing disability differently’.Here, Jos will focus on the spaces of the university, to explore how disability (and ability) is mapped and reproduced in particular forms rather than others, and how this might be challenged. morning tea11.30am-1.00pm:panel discussion on key issues & opportunities in disability, design, and universities:Ron McCallum, Rosemary Kayess, Catherine Bridge & Wayne HawkinsAbout the participants:Jos Boys has a background in architecture, and has worked in feminist and community-based design practices, as well as a researcher, teacher and journalist. Most recently she has worked on a number of disability-related projects, particularly with disabled artists, with the aim of enabling a more creative and radical engagement with built environment professionals. She is particularly interested in how work in both disability studies and creative activism is challenging ahistorical and atheoretical attitudes to disability which remain common within architecture and connected disciplines.Jos is author of Doing Disability Differently: an alternative handbook on architecture, dis/ability and designing for everyday life (Routledge 2014) and is currently editing Dis/Arch: a Disability and Architecture Reader which aims to bring together the best writing on built space from disability studies with innovative ideas about inclusive design, so as to create an important new resource for built environment students, educators and design professionals. She is also beginning new research on what might be called Sites of Normalcy, investigating how built spaces come to be gendered, racialised and disabling.About the Workshop:This workshop is organized by Gerard Goggin and Wayne Hawkins, and hosted by the Department of Media and Communications, University of Sydney. For more information, contact Gerard Goggin: gerard.goggin@sydney.edu.au
Fri 16 Oct 2015, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Seminar Room (S226), Dept of Media & Communications, John Woolley Building (A20) level 2 (entry off Manning Road), University of Sydney, Darlington Campus
Name Gerard Goggin - gerard.goggin@sydney.edu.auLink https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/designing-universities-for-everyone-by-doing-disability-differently-tickets-18816910887
Created 13th October 2015
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