The ANZFPS welcomes you to Dunedin, New Zealand for the 4th ANZFPS Conference.
With speakers from around the globe, this conference will include the very latest falls prevention research, relevant and practical issues for clinicians, researchers, healthcare funders and providers.
Take this opportunity to visit Dunedin, you know you've always wanted to! Watch the short video below to get a taste of life in Dunedin and tourist attractions. Please take time to explore this website – plan your trip to Dunedin and register for the conference now!
Registration is now open. Early Registration closes 30 September 2010
For further information click here:
Abstract submission close 30 June 2010 and to submit an abstract click here:
Sun 21 Nov 2010 - Tue 23 Nov 2010 (All day)
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Name Ali Copeman, akB Conference Management LtdPhone +64 3 454 6568Link -
Created 4th May 2010
Reads 2597