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Provided by the HMinfo Clearinghouse
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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Home Modification Product Suppliers

There are a wide range of home products and assistive technology products that are used for Home Modifications. The HMinfo Home Modification Product Suppliers list provides information about suppliers of products used in the Home Modifications industry.

The information is submitted by the suppliers themselves and the accuracy, recency and availability of any items or information is the responsibility of the supplier. HMinfo does not support any supplier or receive any income from this list, nor takes any responsibility for the items, their quality, performance or use. If you see information here that is of concern please Contact Us.

You can search for Home Modification product suppliers by selecting the type of products you are looking for.

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Product Types


Livigy specialises in Smart Assisted Liviving Technology, their goal is to achieve independence through the aid of Technology. Livigy works with Elderly & Disabled people, giving them freedom throughout their home. They also work with care providers in creating a more connected environment to help with maximising their client independence. Livigy is providing their services throughout Australia and are looking forward to working with care providers and end users in designing custom systems for anyone that has a requirement for Smart Assistive Technology.

Supplier Information



Matt Manalis


073262 7676


Product Types:

  • Doorbells and Door Signals
  • Doors, Gates, Hinges and Operating Devices
  • Lights and Light Controls
  • Safety Equipment
  • Other

Other Types:

Smart Assistive Technology, Environmental Control, Monitoring Services

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