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Provided by the HMinfo Clearinghouse
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Home Modification Product Suppliers

There are a wide range of home products and assistive technology products that are used for Home Modifications. The HMinfo Home Modification Product Suppliers list provides information about suppliers of products used in the Home Modifications industry.

The information is submitted by the suppliers themselves and the accuracy, recency and availability of any items or information is the responsibility of the supplier. HMinfo does not support any supplier or receive any income from this list, nor takes any responsibility for the items, their quality, performance or use. If you see information here that is of concern please Contact Us.

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Product Types

Lifts for Life

For 10 years now, Lifts for Life has been working with a range of customers to install simple lift solutions for people with mobiliy issues, making it easier for them to move around in their own home. Our lifts include wheelchair compliant open platform, and enclosed platform enclosed car lifts made to the highest standard in both Australia and Europe. We work in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, South Coast, Blue Mountain, Sydney and Canberra, and are an NDIS registered provider. Lifts for Life are an innovative, safety focused company with a commitment to helping our customers find the right solution for their needs.

Supplier Information



Luke Spears


1800 695 438


Product Types:

  • Lifts

Reads: 91